Let me tell you one thing I cannot stand about my wife…
She gets things done so early.
I tend to fall towards procrastinator,
Let me know if you can relate…
While I did well in school, I was the guy who hung out with friends, played sports, watched TV or did pretty much anything else in the world other than the paper that was due…
Until the night before…
The night before I was huddled over a keyboard with a lamp like an old time newspaper journalist rushing to make his submission…and why?
Deadlines are powerful stuff.
Don’t believe me?
Think of all of the times you’ve actually put in the work after dragging your feet:
Due Date for bills…
Order now to arrive for Christmas…
Sale ends tonight…
It’s no different when it comes to actually losing weight or getting in shape…
No one NEEDS to lose weight for Oct 12th…
But it may be different if it is your wedding…
Or your high school reunion…
Or that big Carribean beach trip you’ve had planned.
That’s why we often run programs around big dates and holidays .
Because we know that dieting all of the time is unrealistic. But, we could all use some motivation and support to kick things into gear.
We’re actually opening up registration for our LEAN by HALLOWEEN challenge next week because we know how important it is to get on track before the holiday season and the overwhelm that comes with it.
So, if you’re struggling to get things done, attach a deadline to it. Not only that, tell friends and family.
And… if they’re really good friends, have them check in with you to hold you accountable. It works like magic for our challenges ( average body fat lost is 3%).
Give it a shot and experience the power of deadlines for yourself.
P.S. If you want more info about the Lean By Halloween Challenge click the contact button up top or text 570-740-3251 for more information!
PPS. I love my wife and she’s definitely the reason we still have running water and electricity.