I am excited to announce that Registration for the Summer Block of our Athlete Performance program at NEPA Speed Strength Academy is
now open!
You can register here :
The NEPA Speed Strength Academy program is for
Athletes who want to get better at their sport but struggle because of lack of speed, strength or stamina.
Athletes who may have tried to train in the past but didn’t see the results they wanted because they became frustrated or “lost in the herd”.
Athletes who struggle to reach their potential because they lack confidence in themselves and dwell on mistakes.
Athletes who eat poorly and need to find the right foods to give them that x factor over their competition and perform their best.
Athletes who may have already experienced some success and want to take their performance to the next level.
What Parents can expect from our program:
They will get stronger: Seriously Strong- and not just weight room strong -our proven system is designed to carryover to the field,the court and the mound.
They will get faster and jump higher– When they show up this season it will be noticeable to the point that people will ask you what they’ve been doing.
They will become more coordinated and quicker– They will be able to control their bodies better so that they can move quicker and react faster.
They will become more resilient– We will help them armor their bodies through proper movement and mobility to allow them to stay healthy and play longer.
Their confidence will skyrocket – We will help them not only be bigger, faster and stronger but we will arm them with the tools to build a confident mind and help them bounce back quicker from mistakes or struggles.
I know a lot of people make a lot of promises and fail to back them up . I can assure you that is not us. We have been training athletes for over 15 years with over 100 at the collegiate level, three dozen at Division-1 and we have worked with athletes in the MLB, NFL and NHL.
Our system is proven…and evolving.
We test and make it better each year.
But here is the other thing…
I’m not just a coach…
I’m a parent and I know how much our kids mean to us .
Trusting their improvement and their success to someone is a BIG DEAL.
That is not lost on me .
That’s why I guarantee that any athlete who enrolls in our program and follows our proven system will see REAL Results.
A minimum:
20% Stronger on their main lifts
0.2/S off of their 60 yd or 40yd time
10% increase in their vertical jump height
Or you get your investment back…
All of it.
We’re serious about results. We’re serious about our athletes and We’re serious about our craft.
So if you’re serious about getting results here is what you need to do:
1. Click the button to the right and fill out the form to reserve your spot.
2. Speak with one of our coaches to schedule your assessment time.
3. Show up and get ready for the best summer of training ever.
Assessment week is June 6th-June 12th . Program begins June 13th 2022
Spots are extremely limited. We are allowing 5 athletes per coach per time slot. Assessments are required to ensure program customization. Once spots are booked they are no longer available.
If you are serious about helping your son or daughter, get more strength, more speed , more confidence and more ENJOYMENT this year then our Summer performance block is the perfect fit- don’t hesitate and miss out- click this link : https://app.coachcatalystplus.com/v2/preview/sYSA1VRF22jH590xd5yA?notrack=true to book.